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すなわち、日本古伝の作法・様式等は、すべて理=美の体得のために生み出され、育まれてきた、優れたWORK SYSTEMだったのです。

そして、物理・心理・道理・真理など、目に見える理から見えない理まで、その法則性を身心でキャッチするための最上級のWORK SYSTEMとして編み出された方法が修行法としての“道”です。








田部井 淳

Concept ”Wind of 武(bu)"

The values of Japanese people in days of old were sustained by an appreciation of “beauty.”

Supporting that “beauty” were “principles.” “Principles” are the laws, or rules, that work in nature from the grandiose to the miniscule. All things that conform to “principles” are “beautiful,” and all things truly “beautiful” conform to “principles.” These value expanded broadly from daily life to influence the culture and modes of thought.

That is to say, the Japanese systems of etiquette and style passed down from days of yore were all excellent Work Systems created and cultivated for the realization of the formula of principle equals beauty.

Ascetic practices in the form of “ways,” known as “Do” in Japanese, are the methods which were designed as superlative Work Systems to facilitate the mental and physical absorption of the essence of the natural laws ranging from visible principles to principles unseen by the human eye, including concepts such as physics, psychology, logic, and truth.


The martial way of budo, the calligraphic way of shodo, the tea ceremony way of sado, the flower arrangement way of kado... These are all extremely outstanding Work Systems for the realization of the equation that “principle” equals “beauty.”

The Realization born from this took the form of concepts such as manners, humility, sense of public duty, purity, and shame.

The activity called “karate” as generally practiced today is an exercise of the mind and body in the form of a sports competition, and its objectives, concepts, doctrines, physical views, exercise theories, systems, methodologies, and even specific techniques are completely different from the true essence of the martial way of budo.

Today, “budo karate,” with the purpose of exploring this realm of “principles,” is not popularly practiced even in Japan. Old values born from “principles,” “beauty,” and “ways” have been lost.

I firmly believe that the realization of “principles” transcends national, racial, ethnic, religious, and conceptual differences, and leads to a ample mind and body which will be beneficial to all of humankind.

We at Karate Houkukai act in harmony with a dream of spreading Budo Karate both at home and abroad as a system that seeks out “principles” and “beauty,” a system which equals the “Do” or “way.”


Jun Tamegai,
Grand Master of Karate Houkukai


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