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師範紹介/Grand Master introduction

田部井 淳
Tamegai Jun

Born on August 26, 1963

From Toyohashi city, Aichi prefecture
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生まれてすぐ、幼少期を東京で過ごし、8歳のとき豊橋に移住。10歳のとき、自分の可能性を閉ざしているものは、自分の弱さや小ささだということに気がつき、それらを克服し、より強く、より大きいものにしていく道として、 空手道を始める。

Soon after he was born, he moved to Tokyo and spent his childhood there. After that, he moved to Toyohashi at the age of 8. At 10, he recognized that it had been his weakness or intolerance that had hindered his own possibilitiesy, which encouraged him to start learning Karate as the way to overcome his weakness, become stronger and improve himself greatly.


In his second year of middle school, beginning with becoming the person in the rank of an expert called “dan” in Karate (wearing a black belt) and and instructor of in a circle of Japan Karate Federation where he first learned Karate, he also became the person in the rank of an expert called “dan” in Karate (wearing a black belt) and and instructor of in anotherthe circle under direct-attack rules of Japan Karate Federation where he first learned Karate.

以降、県大会優勝等、数々の競技実績をつむも、このままの続け方では自分の目指す自分になれないことを悟り、19歳で単身再び東京へ。 空手道の生かし方を模索する中、某アクションクラブに所属し、空手を映画で表現する道を拓こうとするも、自分の求める道がそこにもない事を悟り、再び競技中心の日々に身を投じる。

Since then, he had chalked up a lot of competition results such as the champion in the prefectural tournament. Despite that, he noticed that he would not be able to be what he had aimed to be if he kept going on thathis way, and decided to go back to Tokyo by himself at the age of 19. While exploring how to utilize Karatedo, he decided to develop the ways to express Karatedo in movies by belonging to Certain action club. However, as he found the path there was not what he had been aiming atseeking there neither, he decide to devote himself to focusing on Karate competitions again.
In many competitions, by gaining experiencing success in thees of competitions such as winning the championships, he has gainedrequested instruction from a lot of precursers in order to seek the true Karatedo, no matter if they were famous or not. During that period, he met some mentors that has had great influences all his life, from whom he has gained the true sprits of the techniques to handle both mind and body that affect basic human growth basically and Karate as a traditional martial art.


He has improved the arts that he hads created through the instruction by the mentors by making his own body as a trial, conducted various research, through trial and error, continued daily practices and succeeded the mentors’ instruction. As he thought he would like to contribute to society by spreading universal benefits of Karatedo, he went back to Toyohashi again at the age of 31, and started Karatedo Houkukai.


So far, in order not to not by focusing on the Karate only for competitions but, in order to establish and popularize Karate as the way to pursue the reasonable movement of body and mind, he has been working toward studies, instruction and daily practices.

TRAVERSE-トラバース- の主演に抜擢される。
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